Online Shopping Cart at Rensselaer (OSCAR) is Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's eProcurement system that facilitates the entire Procure-to-Pay (P2P) process. OSCAR provides an integrated and flexible shopping, purchasing, and settlement experience with both catalog and non-catalog suppliers.
Check out our Finance Support site for informational articles, helpful references, and to enter a help ticket!
This ticketing system replaces the past practice of submitting support requests via email to the Travel-expense support, Procurement support and Invoices mailboxes. You can submit a support request/ticket through the link above.
P2P Training in Percipio for all OSCAR users is live!
The “Procure to Pay (P2P) at Rensselaer-The Fundamentals 1.0 (WBT)” training is live and available in everyone’s Percipio account as an available training. You can access the training by following the steps outlined in this document. We strongly encourage all new OSCAR users to take this training within the first month of joining Rensselaer, and for seasoned OSCAR users to take it at least once.
Chemical Management Reference Materials
OSCAR User Reference
- Commodity Codes and SSM Assignment List (commodity categories, specific commodity codes, definitions, and Strategic Sourcing Manager assignments for each)
- Launch OSCAR (with Single Sign On/SSO using your RCS ID)
- RPI Finance (links to Controller's Office, FAST, RAF, Budget, Business Community, Treasury, Bursar, Risk Management)
- Please visit the Accounts Payable website at
vPay Reference Materials